My dear friends,
Well, here we go again, another Mercury Retrograde is on its way… June 17-July 12. Mercury rules communications and anything that has moving parts. Be sure all computer work is backed up, car issues are taken care of and then put on your PATIENCE hat and just “go with the flow”.
This Mercury retrograde is in the water sign of Cancer. Generally speaking, Cancer rules “home” issues. Cancer energies love their home and really should have home based businesses.
More about the sign of Cancer in a future article I am preparing for you.

Then!… we are moving up on a SOLAR ECLIPSE


as the SUMMER EQUINOX and this is a rare happening and at 0′ of Cancer. This will definitely bring “new beginnings” of all sorts to all aspects of life. 


Very important and powerful.
“Eclipses will bring a random event you do not expect, didn’t know about. It will be triggered by an event happening elsewhere, and that is completely outside your control, but at eclipse time bring vast changes will come straight to your doorstep.” 
… Susan Miller, Astrologer.
Eclipses come in pairs and this is a Cancer/Capricorn combination that has really been influencing those two sign particularly since 2018! The grand finale of this pair will be

July 4-5, 2020...Amen!

Many friends now are SUBSCRIBERS to my DAILY NUMBER WISDOMS sent right to your inbox each morning. So many folks have remarked how accurate the information seems to be and they use it as a guide for their actions on any given day.
Also…. I have my video talking to you about the day’s energies with even more details.
The NUMBER WISDOMS are emailed to you 5:00 am (MT).
For several years, I have offered this subscription and am now offering it to you, too!



Now is the PERFECT TIME for all CANCER SIGNS folks to order and schedule your
so you have a good understanding of 2020-2021

“When you keep your mind filled with the Spirit of God it will fill your material cup to overflowing”

…. Ace of Cups (Tarot)

Hugs and blessings always,
