Spiritual Freedom

My dear friends,
Last year, a friend of mine gifted me with a book of daily wisdoms based on Spirituality and Metaphysics.  I really like this book although, I do not turn to it everyday, I  do find the articles are so “centering” and frequently put me back in touch with my soul’s focus.
Today, I was drawn to open the book to July 2 and wanted to share with you its guidance as the words “re-centered me”.
“Beholding the image of perfection in everything, dominion is added to glory.

This refers to the continual progression of the soul. Since God is infinite, our expansion is progressive and eternal.

No matter how much good we experience today, the infinite has more in store for us tomorrow!

We should look FORWARD to this expansion with enthusiastic anticipation.

The march of life is NOT a dirge, but a song song of TRIUMPH.

GRATEFUL for each success and each new advancement, you advance to new and greater revelations of truth.

Knowing that the spirit within you is FREE, you are no longer bound by the PATTERNS  of yesterday.

FREEDOM  is made manifest through your THOUGHTS, in your WORDS and in your ACTIONS.

The good that you experienced  yesterday is going to be multiplied today.

You cast this good upon every wind of heaven, knowing that it goes out to BLESS.

Condition your mind to ACCEPT greater good for yourself and others.

WAIT calmly but with JOY for the NEW EXPRIENCES  to coming to you, for NEW OPPORTUNITIES  for service.

EXPECT your mind to be flooded with NEW IDEAS.

KNOW that the Spirit of the Lord is with YOU and the the glory of the Lord is around YOU!”

– “365 Days of Richer Living: Daily Inspirations (How to Use Your Mind Power for More Successful Living)” by Ernest Holmes, Kathy Hearn and Richard Charles Barker