What can you learn from the numbers of your life?
Numerology — The Ancient Detective
The science of Numerology is as old as Astrology. Every major civilization has identified codes that guide choices in everyday living and life as a whole. Glyphs that humans call Numbers represent the mental, emotional, physical and intuitive aspects of a person’s life. A skilled Esoteric Numerologer can interpret all of an individual’s Numbers, allowing him to better understand his unique energetic signature.
Elizabeth Summers is a professional Esoteric Numerologist and Medium whose passion is the world of Numbers. Through translating the vibrational behaviors of Numbers found in one’s birth number, name and birth date ~ patterns, cycles and symbols are found. Her readings offer psychological as well as spiritual interpretation. Readings with Elizabeth not only include ancient Number code meanings but also Astrology and Tarot interpretations.
Practicing, studying and interpreting the language of Numbers since 1988, Elizabeth brings humor, depth of knowledge and spiritual insights to her readings, lectures and workshops.

Learn about the current, past and future influences of your Numbers. These readings are enlightening and fun. Recordings & print outs available - because you’ll want to review your reading multiple times!

Do you want to reconnect with your guides? Maybe check in with a loved one who has passed? Elizabeth is a talented Medium who can help you reach out and communicate as well as receive messages.
See what others are saying…
“I wanted to say thank you so much for my reading two months ago. It was my first ever, and the insight into the issues in my life has helped me immensely. I am so grateful. You have helped to see what I couldn’t see. You have helped me start to heal and find myself again. And you have helped me to find the path to what I am meant to do on this earth.Everything you told me is coming to fruition. Everything. At first, I didn’t understand. I had to listen to my CD about 10 times before I could really get a grasp on concepts I had never heard about.I am awakening, and it is all because of you. Thank you for being you, and sharing your gift for our benefit.” — LC
Do you want to learn Numerology? Numbers are a fun and exciting way to explore all that is YOU! Elizabeth offers books and a video class that will teach you the formulas for finding your influential Numbers.