Birth Day Energies
Birthday Numbers bear great significance in the understanding of whom we are and where our talents can be on display.
The day of birth indicates some special talents you possess. This energy is a strong influence between ages 30-55 years of age that will help you along your life’s path.
Birthday Numbers meanings are a piece of the “blueprint” your soul put together prior to your birth for you to build your life upon.
To discover the additional powers and influences you created in your “blueprint”, please schedule your NATAL READING with Elizabeth Summers.
2 Emotional, sensitive, friendly, diplomatic
3 Intuitive, expressive, verbal, creative
4 Reserved, conservative, organized, hard-working
5 Adventuresome, versatile, impulsive, freedom-loving
6 Devoted, sympathetic, loving, responsible
7 Technical, scientific, logical, inflexible
8 Highly managerial, executive , business-oriented
9 Literary, artistic, generous, philanthropic
10 Creative, original, willful, artistic
11 Psychic, intuitive, dramatic, high-strung
12 Brilliant, imaginative, intelligent, magnetic flair
13 Down to earth, hard-worker, adaptable, business-minded
14 Creative yet structured mind, risk taker, restless, committed
15 Sociable, youthful, scientific, musical, relationship-oriented
16 Strong psychic impulses and hunches coupled with analytical mind
17 Vacillates between extremes of thrift and extravagance, managerial
19 Fearless, forceful, unconventional, independent
20 Sympathetic, diplomatic, peacemaker, analytical
21 Affectionate, friendly, artistic, verbal
22 High-strung, nervous, propelled to large undertakings
23 Charming, popular, attracted to the opposite sex, healing hands
24 Restless, multi-tasker, artistic flair, emotional
25 Inflexible, stubborn, mystical, occult, psychic explorer
26 Family-oriented, does well in large corporations and organizations
27 Analytical, introspective, logical, affectionate, forceful , determined
28 Dominant, tenacious, gregarious, affectionate, unconventional
29 Adaptable, moody, adaptable, dramatic, inspirational
30 Inspired, sociable, restless, full of vitality
31 Business- minded, loyal, hard–working, disciplined, practical