Consider the following questions, and answer “Yes,” “No,” or “Sometimes.”
If you answered “Yes” to a number of questions, did these circumstances or situations just happen to you solely through bad luck? Or is it possible that the choices you made, and actions you took, led to where you are? By acknowledging your role and responsibility in your current life, you find the power to make different choices.
“No one else can give you an improved sense of self worth. Self-worth comes from doing what is worthy.”
The Power of Grace
“Life is simple…it is all about CHOICES and CONSEQUENCES”
Well, that is enough to think about for the NOW! Please go to my website and check out the various readings I offer. Read my blog and the Monthly updates and remember, ALL my (47) radio shows are there for you to listen to for FREE!
ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY and CHOOSE to be at peace…we live in the wonderful United States and I, for one, is so grateful I chose this country for this lifetime.
Hugs and blessings always,